
English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number.

~ ~ English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
abundance - 0100 {abundance},

abundance - 1411 ability, {abundance}, deeds, meaning, mightily, mighty, miracle, miracles, power, powers, strength, violence, virtue, wonderful, work, workers,

abundance - 4050 {abundance}, abundantly, superfluity,

abundance - 4051 {abundance}, left,

abundance - 4052 abound, abounded, aboundeth, abounding, {abundance}, abundant, better, exceed, excel, increase, increased, left, make, over, redound, remain, remained,

abundance - 5236 {abundance}, beyond, exceeding, excellency, excellent, far, measure, more,

abundant - 4052 abound, abounded, aboundeth, abounding, abundance, {abundant}, better, exceed, excel, increase, increased, left, make, over, redound, remain, remained,

abundant - 4055 {abundant}, greater, more, overmuch,

abundant - 4056 {abundant}, abundantly, earnest, exceedingly, frequent, more, much, rather,

abundant - 4121 abound, aboundeth, {abundant}, increase, make, over,

abundant - 4183 {abundant}, altogether, common, far, great, greatly, long, many, much, oft, sore, straitly,

abundant - 5250 {abundant}, exceeding, upper,

abundantly - 4050 abundance, {abundantly}, superfluity,

abundantly - 4053 {abundantly}, advantage, beyond, exceedingly, highly, measure, more, superfluous, vehemently,

abundantly - 4054 {abundantly}, deal, far, more,

abundantly - 4056 abundant, {abundantly}, earnest, exceedingly, frequent, more, much, rather,

abundantly - 4146 {abundantly}, rich, richly,

accompanied - 4311 {accompanied}, bring, brought, conduct, forth, forward, way,

accompanied - 4862 {accompanied},

accompanied - 4902 {accompanied},

accompanied - 4905 {accompanied}, assembled, came, come, cometh, companied, go, resort, resorted, together, went,

accompany - 2192 able, {accompany}, art, been, began, being, could, count, counted, diseased, do, eat, fear, had, hast, hath, have, having, held, hold, holding, lieth, next, possessed, retain, took, uncircumcised, using,

acquaintance - 2398 {acquaintance}, alone, apart, aside, business, company, due, home, own, private, privately, proper, several, severally, your,

advantage - 4053 abundantly, {advantage}, beyond, exceedingly, highly, measure, more, superfluous, vehemently,

advantage - 4122 {advantage}, defraud, defrauded, gain, get, make,

advantage - 5622 {advantage}, profit,

advantageth - 3786 {advantageth}, profit,

aforehand - 4301 {aforehand}, before, come, overtaken, taketh,

alexander - 0223 {alexander},

alexandria - 0221 {alexandria},alexandrians,

alexandrians - 0221 alexandria, {alexandrians},

ananias - 0367 {ananias},

anathema - 0331 accursed, {anathema},

anchor - 0045 {anchor}, anchors,

anchors - 0045 anchor, {anchors},

ancle - 4974 {ancle}, bones,

andrew - 0406 {andrew},

angel - 0032 {angel}, angels, messenger, messengers,

angels - 0032 angel, {angels}, messenger, messengers,

anger - 3709 {anger}, indignation, vengeance, wrath,

angry - 3710 {angry}, wroth,

angry - 3711 {angry}, soon,

angry - 5520 {angry},

anguish - 2347 afflicted, affliction, afflictions, {anguish}, burdened, persecution, tribulation, tribulations, trouble,

anguish - 4730 {anguish}, distresses, straitened,

anguish - 4928 {anguish},

anise - 0432 {anise},

annas - 0452 {annas},

anoint - 0218 {anoint}, anointed, anointing,

anoint - 1472 {anoint},

anoint - 3462 {anoint},

anointed - 0218 anoint, {anointed}, anointing,

anointed - 1909 about, above, against, among, {anointed}, at, because, before, beside, charge, days, into, long, on, over, space, through, throughout, time, touching, toward, under,

anointed - 2025 {anointed},

anointed - 5548 {anointed},

anointing - 0218 anoint, anointed, {anointing},

anointing - 5545 {anointing}, unction,

anon - 2112 {anon}, forthwith, immediately, shortly, soon, straightway,

anon - 2117 {anon}, forthwith, immediately, right, straight, straightway,

another - 0240 {another}, each, mutual, one, other, themselves, together,yourselves,

another - 0243 {another}, more, one, other, others, otherwise, some,

another - 0245 aliens, {another}, man, other, others, strange, stranger, strangers,

another - 0246 {another}, nation,

another - 1438 {another}, herself, himself, home, itself, one, ourselves, own, selves, themselves, thine, thyself, troubled, your, yourselves,

another - 1520 {another}, any, certain, every, man, never, one, only, other, particular, several, some, thing, whether,

another - 2087 {another}, else, next, one, other, others, strange,

another - 3588 {another}, any, much, others, some, such, then, these, thine, this, those, what, whatsoever, when, whereby, which, while, who, whose, whoso, whosoever,your,

another - 3739 {another}, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

another - 4299 {another}, before, preferring,

another - 4835 {another}, compassion,

answer - 0611 {answer}, answered, answerest, answereth, answering,

answer - 0612 {answer},

answer - 0626 {answer}, answered, defence, excuse, excusing, made, spake,

answer - 0627 {answer}, clearing, defence,

answer - 1906 {answer},

answered - 0611 answer, {answered}, answerest, answereth, answering,

answered - 0626 answer, {answered}, defence, excuse, excusing, made, spake,

answerest - 0611 answer, answered, {answerest}, answereth, answering,

answereth - 0611 answer, answered, answerest, {answereth}, answering,

answereth - 4960 {answereth},

answering - 0488 again, {answering}, measured,

answering - 0611 answer, answered, answerest, answereth, {answering},

antichrist - 0500 {antichrist}, antichrists,

antichrists - 0500 antichrist, {antichrists},

antioch - 0490 {antioch},

antioch - 0491 {antioch},

antipas - 0493 {antipas},

antipatris - 0494 {antipatris},

any - 1520 another, {any}, certain, every, man, never, one, only, other, particular, several, some, thing, whether,

any - 1536 {any}, which,

any - 1538 {any}, both, each, every, man,

any - 2089 {any}, further, henceforth, hereafter, longer, more, moreover, still, thenceforth, yet,

any - 3362 {any},except,

any - 3364 all, {any}, case, ever, never, no, nor, yet,

any - 3367 all, {any}, at, man, no, none, nothing, whit,

any - 3370 {any}, hereafter, longer, medes, more, no,

any - 3379 {any}, at, haply, if, lest, peradventure,time,

any - 3381 {any}, haply, lest, perhaps, some,

any - 3387 {any}, none,

any - 3588 another, {any}, much, others, some, such, then, these, thine, this, those, what, whatsoever, when, whereby, which, while, who, whose, whoso, whosoever, your,

any - 3762 all, {any}, at, man, neither, no, none, nothing, nought, ought,

any - 3763 {any}, at, never, nothing,

any - 3765 after, {any}, henceforth, more, no, now, yet,

any - 3956 all, always, {any}, every, man, no, throughly, whatsoever, where, whole,

any - 4218 aforetime, {any}, at, ever, last, length, old, once, some, sometime, sometimes, time, times, when,

any - 4455 {any}, at, never, time,

any - 4458 {any}, manner, means,

any - 5100 {any}, certain, divers, every, kind, man, none, nothing, one, ought, partly, some, somebody, something, somewhat, what, whatsoever, who, whomsoever, whose,

any - 5150 {any}, months, three,

appearance - 1491 {appearance}, shape, sight,

appearance - 3799 {appearance}, countenance, face,

appearance - 4383 {appearance}, before, countenance, face, faces, fashion, outward, person, persons, presence,

arabians - 0690 {arabians},

archangel - 0743 {archangel},

assurance - 4102 {assurance}, belief, believe, believeth, faith, fidelity,

assurance - 4136 {assurance}, full, proof,

athenians - 0117 {athenians}, athens,

attendance - 4337 {attendance}, attended, beware, gave, given, heed,

balances - 3976 {balances}, fetters,

band - 4686 {band},

banded - 4963 {banded}, concourse,

bands - 1199 {bands}, bonds, chains, string,

bands - 2202 {bands},

bands - 4886 {bands}, bond, together,

banquetings - 4224 {banquetings},

barbarian - 0915 {barbarian}, barbarians, barbarous,

barbarians - 0915 barbarian, {barbarians}, barbarous,

beforehand - 4271 {beforehand}, evident, manifest,open,

beforehand - 4294 {beforehand}, make,

beforehand - 4303 {beforehand}, testified,

beforehand - 4305 {beforehand},

began - 0756 {began}, begin, beginning, begun, rehearsed,

began - 2020 {began}, dawn,

began - 2192 able, accompany, art, been, {began}, being, could, count, counted, diseased, do, eat, fear, had, hast, hath, have, having, held, hold, holding, lieth, next, possessed, retain, took, uncircumcised, using,

began - 2983 accepteth, assaying, attained, {began}, call, caught, forgotten, had, have, held, obtain, receive, received, receiveth, receiving, take, taken, taketh, taking, took,

bethany - 0963 {bethany},

boanerges - 0993 {boanerges},

bondman - 1401 bond, {bondman}, servant, servants,

bondwoman - 3814 bondmaid, {bondwoman}, damsel, maid, maids,

branch - 2798 {branch}, branches,

branch - 2814 {branch}, branches,

branches - 0902 {branches},

branches - 2798 branch, {branches},

branches - 2814 branch, {branches},

branches - 4746 {branches},

can - 1097 aware, {can}, canst, felt, knew, know, knowest, knoweth, knowing, knowledge, known, perceive, perceived, speak, sure, understand, understandest, understood,

can - 1410 able, {can}, cannot, canst, could, may, mayest, might, possible,

can - 1492 beheld, behold, {can}, cannot, canst, consider, knew, knewest, know, knowest, knoweth, knowing, knowledge, known, look, looked, perceive, perceiving, saw, sawest, see, seeing, seen, sure, tell, understand, understandeth, wist, wot,

can - 2480 able, availeth, {can}, could, couldest, do, good, might, prevailed, righteous, strength, whole, work,

cana - 2580 {cana},

canaan - 5478 {canaan},

canaanite - 2581 {canaanite},

candace - 2582 {candace},

candle - 3088 {candle}, light,

candlestick - 3087 {candlestick}, candlesticks,

candlesticks - 3087 candlestick, {candlesticks},

canker - 1044 {canker},

cankered - 2728 {cankered},

cannot - 0176 {cannot}, condemned,

cannot - 0180 {cannot}, cease,

cannot - 0368 against, {cannot},

cannot - 0551 {cannot}, tempted,

cannot - 0761 {cannot}, moved, unmoveable,

cannot - 0893 {cannot}, lie,

cannot - 1410 able, can, {cannot}, canst, could, may, mayest, might, possible,

cannot - 1492 beheld, behold, can, {cannot}, canst, consider, knew, knewest, know, knowest, knoweth, knowing, knowledge, known, look, looked, perceive, perceiving, saw, sawest, see, seeing, seen, sure, tell, understand, understandeth, wist, wot,

cannot - 3361 {cannot}, forbear, lest, means, neither, never, no, none, nor, one, or, without,

cannot - 3467 afar, {cannot}, see,

cannot - 3756 {cannot}, nay, neither, never, no, none, nor, nothing, when,

canst - 1097 aware, can, {canst}, felt, knew, know, knowest, knoweth, knowing, knowledge, known, perceive, perceived, speak, sure, understand, understandest, understood,

canst - 1410 able, can, cannot, {canst}, could, may, mayest, might, possible,

canst - 1492 beheld, behold, can, cannot, {canst}, consider, knew, knewest, know, knowest, knoweth, knowing, knowledge, known, look, looked, perceive, perceiving, saw, sawest, see, seeing, seen, sure, tell, understand, understandeth, wist, wot,

chaldaeans - 5466 {chaldaeans},

chanaan - 5477 {chanaan},

chance - 5177 {chance}, enjoy, little, obtain, obtained, refresh, special,

change - 0236 {change}, changed,

change - 3331 {change}, removing, translation,

change - 3337 {change}, changed, sucklings,

change - 3345 {change}, figure, transferred, transformed, transforming,

changed - 0236 change, {changed},

changed - 3328 {changed},

changed - 3337 change, {changed}, sucklings,

changed - 3339 {changed}, transfigured,

changed - 3346 carried, {changed}, over, removed, translated, turning,

changers - 2773 {changers}, money,

changers - 2855 {changers}, moneychangers,

charran - 5488 {charran},

christian - 5546 {christian}, christians,

christians - 5546 christian, {christians},

clean - 2511 {clean}, cleanse, cleansed, cleanseth, make, purge, purged, purging, purified, purify, purifying,

clean - 2513 {clean}, clear, pure,

clean - 2889 adorning, {clean}, world,

clean - 3689 {clean}, indeed, truth, verily,

cleanse - 2511 clean, {cleanse}, cleansed, cleanseth, make, purge, purged, purging, purified, purify, purifying,

cleansed - 2511 clean, cleanse, {cleansed}, cleanseth, make, purge, purged, purging, purified, purify, purifying,

cleanseth - 2511 clean, cleanse, cleansed, {cleanseth}, make, purge, purged, purging, purified, purify, purifying,

cleansing - 2512 {cleansing}, purged, purifying,

command - 1781 charge, charged, {command}, commanded, commandment, commandments, enjoined, gave,

command - 2036 bade, bid, bring, called, {command}, commanded, grant, said, saith, say, saying, spake, speak, speaketh, spoken, tell, told, word,

command - 2753 bid, {command}, commanded, commandest, commanding, commandment, gave,

command - 3853 charge, charged, charging, {command}, commanded, commandeth, commandment, declare,

commanded - 1291 charged, {commanded}, commandment, gave,

commanded - 1299 appointed, {commanded}, commanding, ordain, ordained, order, set,

commanded - 1781 charge, charged, command, {commanded}, commandment, commandments, enjoined, gave,

commanded - 2004 charge, {commanded}, commandeth,

commanded - 2036 bade, bid, bring, called, command, {commanded}, grant, said, saith, say, saying, spake, speak, speaketh, spoken, tell, told, word,

commanded - 2753 bid, command, {commanded}, commandest, commanding, commandment, gave,

commanded - 3853 charge, charged, charging, command, {commanded}, commandeth, commandment, declare,

commanded - 4367 bidden, {commanded},

commanded - 4483 {commanded}, made, said, spoken,

commandest - 2753 bid, command, commanded, {commandest}, commanding, commandment, gave,

commandeth - 2004 charge, commanded, {commandeth},

commandeth - 3853 charge, charged, charging, command, commanded, {commandeth}, commandment, declare,

commanding - 1299 appointed, commanded, {commanding}, ordain, ordained, order, set,

commanding - 2753 bid, command, commanded, commandest, {commanding}, commandment, gave,

commandment - 1291 charged, commanded, {commandment}, gave,

commandment - 1297 {commandment},

commandment - 1781 charge, charged, command, commanded, {commandment}, commandments, enjoined, gave,

commandment - 1785 {commandment}, commandments, precept,

commandment - 2003 authority, {commandment},

commandment - 2753 bid, command, commanded, commandest, commanding, {commandment}, gave,

commandment - 3852 charge, {commandment}, commandments,

commandment - 3853 charge, charged, charging, command, commanded, commandeth, {commandment}, declare,

commandments - 1778 {commandments},

commandments - 1781 charge, charged, command, commanded, commandment, {commandments}, enjoined, gave,

commandments - 1785 commandment, {commandments}, precept,

commandments - 3852 charge, commandment, {commandments},

companied - 4905 accompanied, assembled, came, come, cometh, {companied}, go, resort, resorted, together, went,

companies - 4849 {companies},

companion - 4791 {companion}, partaker, partakers,

companion - 4904 {companion}, fellowhelper, fellowhelpers, fellowlabourer, fellowlabourers, fellowworkers, helpers, labour, labourers, together,

companions - 2844 {companions}, fellowship, partaker, partakers, partner,

companions - 4898 {companions}, travel,

company - 2398 acquaintance, alone, apart, aside, business, {company}, due, home, own, private, privately, proper, several, severally, your,

company - 2853 clave, {company}, join, joined, keep,

company - 3461 {company}, fifty, hundred, innumerable, ten, thousand, thousands,

company - 3658 {company},

company - 3792 {company}, gathered,

company - 3793 {company}, multitude, multitudes, number, people, press,

company - 4012 about, above, affairs, against, at, behalf, {company}, concern, concerning, estate, how, manner, on, over, pertaining, state, touching,

company - 4874 {company},keep,

constantly - 1226 affirm, {constantly},

constantly - 1340 affirmed, {constantly},

continuance - 5281 {continuance}, enduring, patience, patient,

corban - 2878 {corban}, treasury,

corinthians - 2881 {corinthians},

countenance - 2397 {countenance},

countenance - 3799 appearance, {countenance}, face,

countenance - 4383 appearance, before, {countenance}, face, faces, fashion, outward, person, persons, presence,

countenance - 4659 {countenance}, sad,

covenant - 1242 {covenant}, covenants, testament,

covenantbreakers - 0802 {covenantbreakers},

covenanted - 2476 abode, appointed, brought, charge, continue, {covenanted}, establish, established, lay, present, set, setteth, stand, standest, standeth, standing, still, stood,

covenants - 1242 covenant, {covenants}, testament,

craftsman - 5079 builder, {craftsman}, craftsmen,

cretians - 2912 cretes, {cretians},

cyrenian - 2956 {cyrenian}, cyrenians,

cyrenians - 2956 cyrenian, {cyrenians},

dalmanutha - 1148 {dalmanutha},

danced - 3738 {danced},

danger - 1777 {danger}, guilty, subject,

danger - 2793 {danger}, jeopardy, multitude,

dangerous - 2000 {dangerous},

daniel - 1158 {daniel},

deliverance - 0629 {deliverance}, redemption,

demanded - 4441 ask, asked, {demanded}, enquire, enquired, understood,

diana - 0735 {diana},

disannul - 0208 {disannul}, effect, made, making, none,

disannulleth - 0114 bring, cast, despise, despised, despiseth, {disannulleth}, frustrate, nothing, off, reject, rejecteth,

disannulling - 0115 away, {disannulling}, put,

drank - 4095 {drank}, drink, drinketh,drinking,

egyptian - 0124 {egyptian}, egyptians,

egyptians - 0124 egyptian, {egyptians},

emmanuel - 1694 {emmanuel},

entangle - 3802 {entangle},

entangled - 1707 {entangled}, entangleth,

entangled - 1758 {entangled}, quarrel,

entangleth - 1707 entangled, {entangleth},

entrance - 1529 coming, enter, entering, {entrance},

ephesian - 2180 {ephesian}, ephesians,

ephesians - 2180 ephesian, {ephesians},

epicureans - 1946 {epicureans},

ethiopians - 0128 ethiopia, {ethiopians},

evangelist - 2099 {evangelist}, evangelists,

evangelists - 2099 evangelist, {evangelists},

exchange - 0465 {exchange},

exchangers - 5133 {exchangers},

fan - 4425 {fan},

fellowservant - 4889 {fellowservant}, fellowservants,

fellowservants - 4889 fellowservant, {fellowservants},

forbearance - 0463 {forbearance},

frankincense - 3030 {frankincense},

freeman - 0558 {freeman},true,

freewoman - 1658 free, {freewoman}, liberty,

furtherance - 4297 {furtherance}, profiting,

galatians - 1052 {galatians},

galilaean - 1057 {galilaean}, galilaeans,

galilaeans - 1057 galilaean, {galilaeans},

garlands - 4725 {garlands},

gethsemane - 1068 {gethsemane},

goodman - 3617 {goodman}, house, householder,

grandmother - 3125 {grandmother},

grant - 1325 adventure, bestowed, brought, committed, deliver, delivered, gave, gavest, give, given, giveth, giving, {grant}, granted, hinder, make, minister, offer, power, put, receive, set, shew, suffer, taking, utter, yield, yielded,

grant - 2036 bade, bid, bring, called, command, commanded, {grant}, said, saith, say, saying, spake, speak, speaketh, spoken, tell, told, word,

granted - 1325 adventure, bestowed, brought, committed, deliver, delivered, gave, gavest, give, given, giveth, giving, grant, {granted}, hinder, make, minister, offer, power, put, receive, set, shew, suffer, taking, utter, yield, yielded,

granted - 5483 deliver, forgave, forgive, forgiven, forgiving, gave, given, {granted},

grecians - 1675 {grecians},

groan - 4727 grief, {groan}, grudge, sighed,

groaned - 1690 against, charged, {groaned}, groaning, murmured,

groaning - 1690 against, charged, groaned, {groaning}, murmured,

groaning - 4726 {groaning},

hand - 1448 approaching, at, came, come, {hand}, himself, near, nigh,

hand - 1451 at, {hand}, near, nigh, ready,

hand - 1764 at, come, {hand}, present,

hand - 2186 assaulted, at, came, come, cometh, {hand}, instant, present, standing, stood,

hand - 5495 {hand}, hands,

hand - 5496 {hand}, led,

hand - 5497 {hand}, lead,

handkerchiefs - 4676 {handkerchiefs},napkin,

handle - 2345 {handle}, touch,

handled - 0821 {handled}, shamefully,

handled - 5584 feel, {handled}, touched,

handling - 1389 deceitfully, {handling},

handmaidens - 1399 {handmaidens},

hands - 0849 {hands}, own,

hands - 0886 {hands}, made, without,

hands - 2902 {hands}, held, hold, holden, holdest, holdeth, holding, kept, obtained, retain, retained, take, took,

hands - 4084 apprehend, apprehended, caught, {hands}, take, taken, took,

hands - 4475 {hands}, palm, palms, smote, struck,

hands - 5495 hand, {hands},

hands - 5499 {hands}, made,

handwriting - 5498 {handwriting},

hang - 2910 {hang}, hanged, hangeth,

hang - 3935 down, {hang},

hanged - 0519 {hanged},

hanged - 2910 hang, {hanged}, hangeth,

hanged - 4029 about, bound, compassed, {hanged},

hangeth - 2910 hang, hanged, {hangeth},

herodians - 2265 {herodians},

hosanna - 5614 {hosanna},

husband - 0435 fellows, {husband}, husbands, man, men, sirs,

husbandman - 1092 {husbandman}, husbandmen,

husbandmen - 1092 husbandman, {husbandmen},

husbandry - 1091 {husbandry},

husbands - 0435 fellows, husband, {husbands}, man, men, sirs,

husbands - 5362 {husbands}, love, room,

ignorance - 0052 {ignorance},

ignorance - 0056 {ignorance}, knowledge,

ignorant - 0050 {ignorant}, ignorantly, knew, knowing, understand, understood, unknown,

ignorant - 2399 {ignorant}, rude, unlearned,

ignorant - 2990 hid, hidden, {ignorant}, unawares,

ignorantly - 0050 ignorant, {ignorantly}, knew, knowing, understand, understood, unknown,

inhabitants - 2730 dwell, dwellers, dwellest, dwelleth, dwelling, dwelt, {inhabitants}, inhabiters,

inheritance - 2817 {inheritance},

inheritance - 2819 heritage, {inheritance}, lot, lots, part,

inheritance - 2820 {inheritance}, obtained,

instant - 2186 assaulted, at, came, come, cometh, hand, {instant}, present, standing, stood,

instantly - 1616 {instantly},

island - 3519 {island},

island - 3520 {island}, isle,

italian - 2483 {italian},

jangling - 3150 {jangling}, vain,

jannes - 2389 {jannes},

jordan - 2446 {jordan},

kinsman - 4773 kin, {kinsman}, kinsmen,

land - 0068 country, farm, field, {land}, lands,

land - 1093 country, earth, earthly, ground, {land}, world,

land - 3584 dry, {land}, withered,

land - 5561 coasts, country, fields, {land}, region, regions,

land - 5564 field, ground, {land}, lands, parcel, place, possessions,

landed - 2609 bring, brought, down, forth, {landed}, landing, touched,

landed - 2718 came, come, departed, descendeth, down, {landed}, went,

landing - 2609 bring, brought, down, forth, landed, {landing}, touched,

lands - 0068 country, farm, field, land, {lands},

lands - 5564 field, ground, land, {lands}, parcel, place, possessions,

language - 1258 {language}, tongue,

lanterns - 5322 {lanterns},

laodiceans - 2994 {laodiceans},

leaned - 0377 down, {leaned}, sat, set, sit,

leaning - 0345 at, down, guests, {leaning}, lying, sat, set, table,

macedonian - 3110 macedonia, {macedonian},

madian - 3099 {madian},

man - 0245 aliens, another, {man}, other, others, strange, stranger, strangers,

man - 0435 fellows, husband, husbands, {man}, men, sirs,

man - 0442 common, {man}, mankind,

man - 0444 certain, {man}, men,

man - 0730 male, {man}, men,

man - 1520 another, any, certain, every, {man}, never, one, only, other, particular, several, some, thing, whether,

man - 1538 any, both, each, every, {man},

man - 2478 boisterous, {man}, mightier, mighty, powerful, strong, stronger, valiant,

man - 3367 all, any, at, {man}, no, none, nothing, whit,

man - 3494 {man}, young,

man - 3495 {man}, men, young,

man - 3762 all, any, at, {man}, neither, no, none, nothing, nought, ought,

man - 3956 all, always, any, every, {man}, no, throughly, whatsoever, where, whole,

man - 5100 any, certain, divers, every, kind, {man}, none, nothing, one, ought, partly, some, somebody, something, somewhat, what, whatsoever, who, whomsoever, whose,

man - 5367 lovers, {man}, selves,

manaen - 3127 {manaen}, this,

manasses - 3128 {manasses},

manifest - 0852 {manifest},

manifest - 1212 bewrayeth, certain, evident, {manifest},

manifest - 1552 {manifest},

manifest - 1718 appear, appeared, declare, informed, {manifest}, plainly, shewed, signify,

manifest - 4271 beforehand, evident, {manifest}, open,

manifest - 5318 abroad, known, {manifest}, openly, outward, outwardly, spread,

manifest - 5319 appear, appeared, declared, forth, made, make, maketh, {manifest}, manifested, manifestly, shew, shewed,

manifestation - 5321 {manifestation},

manifested - 5319 appear, appeared, declared, forth, made, make, maketh, manifest, {manifested}, manifestly, shew, shewed,

manifestly - 5319 appear, appeared, declared, forth, made, make, maketh, manifest, manifested, {manifestly}, shew, shewed,

manifold - 4164 divers, {manifold},

manifold - 4182 {manifold},

mankind - 0442 common, man, {mankind},

mankind - 0733 defile, {mankind},

manna - 3131 {manna},

manner - 0072 life, {manner},

manner - 0195 {manner}, perfect,

manner - 0686 else, haply, {manner}, perhaps, so, then, therefore, what, wherefore,

manner - 0981 life, {manner},

manner - 1483 gentiles, {manner},

manner - 1485 customs, {manner},

manner - 3592 {manner}, such, these, this,thus,

manner - 3634 {manner}, so, such, what, which,

manner - 3697 {manner}, sort,what,

manner - 3779 after, all, even, like, likewise, {manner}, on, so, this, thus, what, wise,

manner - 4012 about, above, affairs, against, at, behalf, company, concern, concerning, estate, how, {manner}, on, over, pertaining, state, touching,

manner - 4169 {manner}, what, which,

manner - 4217 {manner}, what,

manner - 4458 any, {manner}, means,

manner - 5158 conversation, even, {manner}, means, way,

manner - 5179 bring, ensample, ensamples, example, examples, fashion, figures, {manner}, pattern, print, remembrance,

manner - 5615 after, even, like, likewise, {manner}, same,

manners - 2239 {manners},

manners - 4187 divers, {manners},

manners - 5159 {manners}, suffered,

mansions - 3438 abode, {mansions},

manslayers - 0409 {manslayers},

many - 2425 able, good, great, large, long, {many}, much, security, sore, sufficient, worthy,

many - 3745 all, ever, great, how, inasmuch, {many}, more, much, those, what, whatsoever, wherewith, which, who,

many - 4119 greater, long, longer, {many}, more, most, part, very,

many - 4183 abundant, altogether, common, far, great, greatly, long, {many}, much, oft, sore, straitly,

many - 4214 great, how, long, {many}, much, what,

many - 5118 great, large, long, {many}, much, so,

maranatha - 3134 {maranatha},

matthan - 3157 {matthan},


mean - 0767 {mean},

mean - 1498 {mean}, wert,

mean - 1511 am, been, come, cometh, made, {mean}, meaneth, please,

mean - 2076 been, called, dureth, endure, hast, have, {mean}, meaneth, owneth, profiteth, which,

mean - 3342 between, {mean}, next,

meaneth - 1511 am, been, come, cometh, made, mean, {meaneth}, please,

meaneth - 2076 been, called, dureth, endure, hast, have, mean, {meaneth}, owneth, profiteth, which,

meaning - 1411 ability, abundance, deeds, {meaning}, mightily, mighty, miracle, miracles, power, powers, strength, violence, virtue, wonderful, work, workers,

meaning - 3195 about, after, almost, at, begin, come, hereafter, intend, intending, {meaning}, minding, point, ready, should, tarriest, time, will, would, yet,


means - 3361 cannot, forbear, lest, {means}, neither, never, no, none, nor, one, or, without,

means - 3843 all, altogether, at, doubt, {means}, needs, no, wise,

means - 4458 any, manner, {means},

means - 4459 after, how, {means}, what,

means - 5158 conversation, even, manner, {means}, way,

merchandise - 1117 burden, {merchandise},

merchandise - 1711 {merchandise},

merchandise - 1712 {merchandise},

merchant - 1713 {merchant}, merchants,

merchants - 1713 merchant, {merchants},

moneychangers - 2855 changers, {moneychangers},

musicians - 3451 {musicians},

nathanael - 3482 {nathanael},

nicanor - 3527 {nicanor},

nicolaitanes - 3531 {nicolaitanes},

nobleman - 0937 king, {nobleman}, royal,

notwithstanding - 0235 howbeit, indeed, nay, nevertheless, {notwithstanding}, save, therefore, yea, yet,

notwithstanding - 4133 except, nevertheless, {notwithstanding}, save, than,

ordinance - 2937 building, creation, creature, {ordinance},

ordinances - 1345 judgment, judgments, {ordinances}, righteousness,

ordinances - 1378 decrees, {ordinances},

ordinances - 1379 {ordinances}, subject,

ordinances - 3862 {ordinances}, tradition, traditions,

parthians - 3934 {parthians},

performance - 2005 accomplished, accomplishing, enjoin, finish, made, make, perfect, perfecting, perform, {performance},

perseverance - 4343 {perseverance},

philippians - 5374 {philippians},

physician - 2395 {physician}, physicians,

physicians - 2395 physician, {physicians},

plant - 5451 {plant},

planted - 5452 {planted}, planteth,

planteth - 5452 planted, {planteth},

profane - 0952 {profane},

profane - 0953 {profane},

publican - 5057 {publican},

publicans - 5052 {publicans},

quicksands - 4950 {quicksands},

ran - 1530 {ran}, sprang,

ran - 1532 {ran},

ran - 1632 forth, greedily, gushed, pour, poured, {ran}, runneth, shed, spilled,

ran - 2027 aground, {ran},

ran - 2701 down, have, {ran},

ran - 3729 {ran}, rushed,

ran - 4063 {ran}, through,

ran - 4370 came, {ran}, running, thither,

ran - 4890 {ran}, together,

ran - 4936 {ran}, run,

ran - 5143 course, {ran}, run, runneth, running,

ranks - 4237 {ranks},

ransom - 0487 {ransom},

ransom - 3083 {ransom},

remembrance - 0363 bring, call, called, calling, mind, put, remembereth, {remembrance},

remembrance - 0364 again, {remembrance},

remembrance - 3415 came, remember, remembered, rememberest, {remembrance},

remembrance - 3417 mention, {remembrance},

remembrance - 3420 {remembrance},

remembrance - 5179 bring, ensample, ensamples, example, examples, fashion, figures, manner, pattern, print, {remembrance},

remembrance - 5279 mind, put, putting, remember, {remembrance},

remembrance - 5280 {remembrance},

remembrance - 5294 put, {remembrance},

remnant - 3062 other, others, remain, {remnant}, residue, rest,

remphan - 4481 {remphan},

repentance - 3341 {repentance},

roman - 4514 {roman},romans,

romans - 4514 roman, {romans},

sabachthani - 4518 {sabachthani},

samaritan - 4541 {samaritan},samaritans,

samaritans - 4541 samaritan, {samaritans},

sanctification - 0038 holiness, {sanctification},

sanctified - 0037 hallowed, holy, {sanctified}, sanctifieth, sanctify,

sanctifieth - 0037 hallowed, holy, sanctified, {sanctifieth}, sanctify,

sanctify - 0037 hallowed, holy, sanctified, sanctifieth, {sanctify},

sanctuary - 0039 holiest, holy, {sanctuary},

sand - 0285 {sand},

sandals - 4547 {sandals},

sang - 5214 hymn, praise, {sang}, sung,

satan - 4567 {satan},

scythian - 4658 {scythian},

serjeants - 4465 {serjeants},

servant - 1249 deacons, minister, ministers, {servant}, servants,

servant - 1401 bond, bondman, {servant}, servants,

servant - 1402 bondage, bring, brought, given, made, {servant},

servant - 2324 {servant},

servant - 3816 child, children, {servant}, servants, son, young,

servants - 1249 deacons, minister, ministers, servant, {servants},

servants - 1401 bond, bondman, servant, {servants},

servants - 3411 hired, hireling, {servants},

servants - 3610 household, {servants},

servants - 3816 child, children, servant, {servants}, son, young,

servants - 5257 minister, ministers, officer, officers, {servants},

silvanus - 4610 {silvanus},

slanderers - 1228 accusers, devil, false, {slanderers},

slanderously - 0987 blaspheme, blasphemed, blasphemers, blasphemest, blasphemeth, blaspheming, blasphemy, defamed, evil, railed, reported, reviled, {slanderously}, speak, speaking, spoken,

sprang - 0305 arose, ascend, ascended, ascendeth, ascending, came, climbeth, come, cometh, coming, entered, go, goeth, going, gone, grew, groweth, rise, rising, rose, {sprang}, sprung, went,

sprang - 0393 arise, maketh, rise, risen, rising, {sprang}, sprung,

sprang - 1080 begat, begotten, born, conceived, delivered, gender, gendereth, made, {sprang},

sprang - 1530 ran, {sprang},

sprang - 1816 {sprang}, sprung,

stand - 0450 again, arise, ariseth, arose, lifted, raise, raised, rise, risen, rising, rose, {stand}, stood,

stand - 0639 doubt, doubted, doubting, perplexed, {stand},

stand - 1453 again, arise, ariseth, arose, awake, awoke, lift, lifted, raise, raised, raiseth, rear, rise, risen, riseth, rose, {stand}, took,

stand - 1510 am, been, belong, belongeth, fear, had, make, {stand}, used,

stand - 2476 abode, appointed, brought, charge, continue, covenanted, establish, established, lay, present, set, setteth, {stand}, standest, standeth, standing, still, stood,

stand - 3936 about, before, brought, come, commendeth, give, here, present, presented, presently, prove, provide, shew, shewed, {stand}, standing, stood,

stand - 4026 avoid, round, shun, {stand}, stood,

stand - 4739 {stand},

standest - 2476 abode, appointed, brought, charge, continue, covenanted, establish, established, lay, present, set, setteth, stand, {standest}, standeth, standing, still, stood,

standeth - 2476 abode, appointed, brought, charge, continue, covenanted, establish, established, lay, present, set, setteth, stand, standest, {standeth}, standing, still, stood,

standing - 2186 assaulted, at, came, come, cometh, hand, instant, present, {standing}, stood,

standing - 2476 abode, appointed, brought, charge, continue, covenanted, establish, established, lay, present, set, setteth, stand, standest, standeth, {standing}, still, stood,

standing - 3936 about, before, brought, come, commendeth, give, here, present, presented, presently, prove, provide, shew, shewed, stand, {standing}, stood,

standing - 4714 dissension, insurrection, sedition, {standing}, uproar,

standing - 4921 approved, approving, commend, commended, commendeth, commending, consist, make, {standing},

stephanas - 4734 {stephanas},

strange - 0245 aliens, another, man, other, others, {strange}, stranger, strangers,

strange - 1854 away, forth, outward, {strange}, without,

strange - 2087 another, else, next, one, other, others, {strange},

strange - 3579 entertained, lodge, lodged, lodgeth, {strange},

strange - 3581 {strange}, stranger, strangers,

stranger - 0245 aliens, another, man, other, others, strange, {stranger}, strangers,

stranger - 3581 strange, {stranger}, strangers,

stranger - 3941 foreigners, sojourn, {stranger}, strangers,

strangers - 0245 aliens, another, man, other, others, strange, stranger, {strangers},

strangers - 1927 {strangers}, there,

strangers - 3580 lodged, {strangers},

strangers - 3581 strange, stranger, {strangers},

strangers - 3927 pilgrims, {strangers},

strangers - 3940 dwelt, sojourning, {strangers},

strangers - 3941 foreigners, sojourn, stranger, {strangers},

strangers - 5381 entertain, {strangers},

strangled - 4156 {strangled},

substance - 5223 goods, {substance},

substance - 5287 confidence, confident, person, {substance},

sustenance - 5527 {sustenance},

syrophenician - 4949 {syrophenician},

tanner - 1038 {tanner},

temperance - 1466 {temperance},

than - 1883 above, on, over, {than},

than - 2228 before, either, except, neither, nor, or, rather, save, {than}, what, yea,

than - 2260 {than},

than - 3844 above, against, among, at, before, contrary, friends, had, more, nigh, past, save, side, sight, {than},

than - 4133 except, nevertheless, notwithstanding, save, {than},

than - 5228 above, behalf, beyond, exceeding, more, on, over, stead, {than}, toward, very,

thank - 1843 confess, confessed, confessing, {thank},

thank - 2168 {thank}, thanked, thankful, thanks,

thank - 5485 benefit, favour, gift, grace, joy, liberality, pleasure, {thank}, thanks, thankworthy,

thanked - 2168 thank, {thanked}, thankful, thanks,

thankful - 2168 thank, thanked, {thankful}, thanks,

thankful - 2170 {thankful},

thankfulness - 2169 {thankfulness}, thanks, thanksgiving, thanksgivings,

thanks - 2168 thank, thanked, thankful, {thanks},

thanks - 2169 thankfulness, {thanks}, thanksgiving, thanksgivings,

thanks - 3670 confess, confessed, confesseth, profess, professed, promised, {thanks},

thanks - 5485 benefit, favour, gift, grace, joy, liberality, pleasure, thank, {thanks}, thankworthy,

thanksgiving - 2169 thankfulness, thanks, {thanksgiving}, thanksgivings,

thanksgivings - 2169 thankfulness, thanks, thanksgiving, {thanksgivings},

thankworthy - 5485 benefit, favour, gift, grace, joy, liberality, pleasure, thank, thanks, {thankworthy},

thessalonians - 2331 {thessalonians}, thessalonica,

thousand - 1367 {thousand}, two,

thousand - 3461 company, fifty, hundred, innumerable, ten, {thousand}, thousands,

thousand - 3463 ten, {thousand},

thousand - 4000 five, {thousand},

thousand - 5070 four, {thousand},

thousand - 5153 {thousand}, three,

thousand - 5505 {thousand}, thousands,

thousand - 5507 {thousand},

thousands - 3461 company, fifty, hundred, innumerable, ten, thousand, {thousands},

thousands - 5505 thousand, {thousands},

trance - 1611 amazed, amazement, astonishment, {trance},

transferred - 3345 change, figure, {transferred}, transformed, transforming,

transfigured - 3339 changed, {transfigured},

transformed - 3345 change, figure, transferred, {transformed}, transforming,

transforming - 3345 change, figure, transferred, transformed, {transforming},

transgress - 3845 temple, {transgress}, transgresseth, transgression,

transgress - 3848 breaker, {transgress}, transgressor, transgressors,


transgresseth - 3845 temple, transgress, {transgresseth}, transgression,

transgression - 0458 iniquities, iniquity, law, {transgression}, unrighteousness,

transgression - 3845 temple, transgress, transgresseth, {transgression},

transgression - 3847 breaking, {transgression}, transgressions,

transgressions - 3847 breaking, transgression, {transgressions},

transgressor - 3848 breaker, transgress, {transgressor}, transgressors,

transgressors - 0459 law, lawless, {transgressors}, unlawful, wicked, without,

transgressors - 3848 breaker, transgress, transgressor, {transgressors},

translated - 3179 away, remove, removed, {translated}, turned,

translated - 3346 carried, changed, over, removed, {translated}, turning,

translation - 3331 change, removing, {translation},

transparent - 1307 {transparent},

tyrannus - 5181 {tyrannus},

unchangeable - 0531 stirred, {unchangeable},

unclean - 0169 foul, {unclean},

unclean - 2840 call, common, defile, defileth, polluted, {unclean},

uncleanness - 0167 {uncleanness},

uncleanness - 3394 {uncleanness},

understand - 0050 ignorant, ignorantly, knew, knowing, {understand}, understood, unknown,

understand - 1097 aware, can, canst, felt, knew, know, knowest, knoweth, knowing, knowledge, known, perceive, perceived, speak, sure, {understand}, understandest, understood,

understand - 1107 certify, declare, declared, do, known, made, make, {understand}, wit, wot,

understand - 1492 beheld, behold, can, cannot, canst, consider, knew, knewest, know, knowest, knoweth, knowing, knowledge, known, look, looked, perceive, perceiving, saw, sawest, see, seeing, seen, sure, tell, {understand}, understandeth, wist, wot,

understand - 1987 know, knoweth, knowing, {understand},

understand - 3530 nicodemus, {understand},

understand - 3539 consider, perceive, think, {understand}, understood,

understand - 4920 considered, {understand}, understandeth, understanding, understood, wise,

understandest - 1097 aware, can, canst, felt, knew, know, knowest, knoweth, knowing, knowledge, known, perceive, perceived, speak, sure, understand, {understandest}, understood,

understandeth - 0191 audience, came, come, ears, hear, heard, hearers, hearest, heareth, hearing, hearken, noised, reported, {understandeth},

understandeth - 1492 beheld, behold, can, cannot, canst, consider, knew, knewest, know, knowest, knoweth, knowing, knowledge, known, look, looked, perceive, perceiving, saw, sawest, see, seeing, seen, sure, tell, understand, {understandeth}, wist, wot,

understandeth - 4920 considered, understand, {understandeth}, understanding, understood, wise,

understanding - 0801 foolish, {understanding}, without,

understanding - 1271 mind, minds, {understanding},

understanding - 3563 mind, minds, {understanding},

understanding - 4907 knowledge, {understanding},

understanding - 4920 considered, understand, understandeth, {understanding}, understood, wise,

understanding - 5424 {understanding},

unthankful - 0884 {unthankful},

utterance - 0669 forth, said, speak, {utterance},

utterance - 3056 account, cause, communication, concerning, do, doctrine, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, reckoneth, say, saying, sayings, shew, speaker, speech, talk, thing, things, tidings, treatise, {utterance}, word, words,

valiant - 2478 boisterous, man, mightier, mighty, powerful, strong, stronger, {valiant},

vanish - 0854 {vanish},

vanish - 2673 abolished, away, become, bring, ceased, come, destroy, destroyed, done, down, effect, fail, made, make, no, none, nought, put, {vanish}, void, without,

vanisheth - 0853 corrupt, disfigure, perish, {vanisheth},

vanities - 3152 vain, {vanities},

vanity - 3153 {vanity}, while,

variance - 1369 at, set, {variance},

variance - 2054 contentions, debate, debates, strife, {variance},

vengeance - 1349 judgment, {vengeance},

vengeance - 1557 avenged, punishment, revenge, {vengeance},

vengeance - 3709 anger, indignation, {vengeance}, wrath,

vigilant - 1127 {vigilant}, wake, watch, watched, watcheth, watchful,

vigilant - 3524 sober, {vigilant},

wandered - 4022 about, compass, vagabond, {wandered}, wandering,

wandered - 4105 astray, deceive, deceived, deceiveth, deceiving, err, going, gone, seduce, {wandered}, way, went,

wandering - 4022 about, compass, vagabond, wandered, {wandering},

wandering - 4107 {wandering},

want - 5303 behind, lack, lacking, {want},

want - 5304 {want},

wanted - 5302 behind, come, destitute, fail, lack, lacked, lackest, short, suffer, {wanted}, worse,

wanting - 3007 destitute, lack, saying, {wanting},

wanton - 2691 against, begun, {wanton}, wax,

wanton - 4684 pleasure, {wanton},

wantonness - 0766 filthy, lasciviousness, {wantonness},

wants - 5532 business, necessary, necessities, necessity, need, needed, needest, needeth, use, uses, {wants},

withstand - 0436 resist, {withstand}, withstood,

withstand - 2967 forbad, forbid, forbidden, forbiddeth, forbidding, hinder, kept, let, suffered, {withstand},

woman - 1135 wife, wives, {woman}, women,

woman - 2338 female, {woman}, women,

workman - 2040 labourer, labourers, work, workers, {workman}, workmen,

workmanship - 4161 made, {workmanship},