
Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

~ ~ Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

0775 + of Asia + of the chief +/ . Asiarches {as-ee-ar'-khace}; from 0773 + Asia + of Asia + in Asia + and Asia + from Asia + and of Asia + are in Asia + are in Asia + him into Asia + to us in Asia + which were of Asia + they which are in Asia +/ and 0746 + rule + corners + the first + beginning + from the beginning 0746- from the beginning 0746- be the first + principality + at the first + The beginning + the beginning + the beginning + principalities + the principles + not their first + in the beginning + is the beginning + In the beginning + are the beginning + to principalities + are the beginnings + from the beginning + him unto the power + was in the beginning + that in the beginning + but from the beginning + But from the beginning + was from the beginning + unto the principalities + hath from the beginning + with me from the beginning + unto you from the beginning + as was not from the beginning + him that is from the beginning + as they were from the beginning +/ ; an Asiarch or president of the public festivities in a city of Asia Minor: --chief of Asia .

1481 + the governor +/ . ethnarches {eth-nar'-khace}; from 1484 + nation + people + nations + Gentiles + my nation + the nation + own nation + For nation + the people + and nation + of nations + our nation + ye Gentiles + the heathen + to a nation + and nations + the nations + to my nation + the Gentiles + past Gentiles + of the nations + And the nation + by the heathen + And the nations + of the Gentiles + for that nation + to the Gentiles + up the Gentiles + did the heathen + as the Gentiles + to you Gentiles + for you Gentiles + over the Gentiles + unto the Gentiles + with the Gentiles + thou the Gentiles + That the Gentiles + that the Gentiles + up of the Gentiles + shall the Gentiles + he unto them Nation + and to the Gentiles + him to the Gentiles + are of the Gentiles + us that the Gentiles + down of the Gentiles + things do the nations + that ye were Gentiles + and from the Gentiles + And when the Gentiles + And that the Gentiles + things do the Gentiles + And not for that nation + and then to the Gentiles + in him shall the Gentiles + is come unto the Gentiles + against them and the Gentiles + that we should go unto the heathen +/ and 0746 + rule + corners + the first + beginning + from the beginning 0746- from the beginning 0746- be the first + principality + at the first + The beginning + the beginning + the beginning + principalities + the principles + not their first + in the beginning + is the beginning + In the beginning + are the beginning + to principalities + are the beginnings + from the beginning + him unto the power + was in the beginning + that in the beginning + but from the beginning + But from the beginning + was from the beginning + unto the principalities + hath from the beginning + with me from the beginning + unto you from the beginning + as was not from the beginning + him that is from the beginning + as they were from the beginning +/ ; the governor [not king] of a district: --ethnarch .

1543 + centurions + centurion s + a centurion + the centurion + The centurion + and centurions + to the centurion + of the centurions + But the centurion + unto the centurion + when the centurion + When the centurion + unto him a centurion +/ . hekatontarches {hek-at-on-tar'-khace}; or hekatontarchos {hek-at-on'-tar-khos}; from 1540 + An hundred + an hundred + by hundreds + him an hundred + an hundredfold + but the hundred + and with him an hundred +/ and 0757 + to rule + to reign +/ ; the captain of one hundred men: --centurion .

3966 + patriarchs + the patriarch + And the patriarchs + unto you of the patriarch +/ . patriarches {pat-ree-arkh'-ace}; from 3965 + family + and lineage + the kindreds +/ and 0757 + to rule + to reign +/ ; a progenitor ("patriarch"): --patriarch .

4173 + of the city + and the rulers + unto the rulers +/ . politarches {pol-it-ar'-khace}; from 4172 + city + cities + a city + A city + to city + any city + the city + our city + in a city + the cities + for a city + their city + unto a city + of the city + in the city + to the city + was the city + And the city + all the city + he to a city + and the city + in that city + to that city + of that city + for that city + up their city + unto the city + ye in the city + them from city + it in the city + and the cities + out of the city + for them a city + men of the city + in their cities + part of the city + in the same city + out of that city + to their own city + I was in the city + and unto the city + out of the cities + for it is the city + him out of the city + There was in a city + with him in the city + not how that the city + belonging to the city + we were out of the city + and we were in that city +/ and 0757 + to rule + to reign +/ ; a town-officer, i .e . magistrate: --ruler of the city .

4759 + of the guard + to the captain +/ . stratopedarches {strat-op-ed-ar'-khace}; from 4760 + with armies +/ and 0757 + to rule + to reign +/ ; a ruler of an army, i .e . (specifically) a Praetorian prefect: --captain of the guard .

5076 + the tetrarch +/ . tetrarches {tet-rar'-khace}; from 5064 + four + of four + by four + and four + The four + the four + were four + at the four + to the four + of the four + him to four + And the four + and the four + from the four + and of the four + are in the four +/ and 0757 + to rule + to reign +/ ; the ruler of a fourth part of a country ("tetrarch"): --tetrarch . *** . teucho . See 5177 + obtain + little + special + obtained + to obtain + to refresh + it may chance + hath he obtained + that they might obtain + Seeing that by thee we enjoy +/ .