
English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number.

~ ~ English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
altogether - 3650 all, {altogether}, every, throughout, whit, whole,

altogether - 3843 all, {altogether}, at, doubt, means, needs, no, wise,

altogether - 4183 abundant, {altogether}, common, far, great, greatly, long, many, much, oft, sore, straitly,

another - 0240 {another}, each, mutual, one, other, themselves, together,yourselves,

another - 0243 {another}, more, one, other, others, otherwise, some,

another - 0245 aliens, {another}, man, other, others, strange, stranger, strangers,

another - 0246 {another}, nation,

another - 1438 {another}, herself, himself, home, itself, one, ourselves, own, selves, themselves, thine, thyself, troubled, your, yourselves,

another - 1520 {another}, any, certain, every, man, never, one, only, other, particular, several, some, thing, whether,

another - 2087 {another}, else, next, one, other, others, strange,

another - 3588 {another}, any, much, others, some, such, then, these, thine, this, those, what, whatsoever, when, whereby, which, while, who, whose, whoso, whosoever,your,

another - 3739 {another}, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

another - 4299 {another}, before, preferring,

another - 4835 {another}, compassion,

brother - 0080 brethren, {brother},

brotherhood - 0081 brethren, {brotherhood},

brotherly - 5360 brethren, {brotherly}, kindness, love,

cherisheth - 2282 {cherisheth},

cherubims - 5502 {cherubims},

either - 2228 before, {either}, except, neither, nor, or, rather, save, than, what, yea,

either - 2532 also, both, {either}, else, even, indeed, like, likewise, moreover, nor, now, or, provide, same, so, then, therefore, thus, verily, very, well, who, yea, yet,

farther - 4008 beyond, {farther}, other, over, side,

farther - 4260 {farther}, going, gone,

farther - 4281 before, {farther}, forward, go, going, outwent, passed, went,

father - 0540 {father},

father - 3962 {father}, fathers, parents,

father - 3995 {father}, law,

fatherless - 3737 comfortless, {fatherless},

fathers - 3962 father, {fathers}, parents,

fathers - 3964 {fathers}, murderers,

fathers - 3967 {fathers},

fathers - 3970 {fathers},

fathers - 3971 {fathers},

finisher - 5047 {finisher}, perfectness,

fisher - 1903 coat, {fisher},

fishers - 0231 {fishers},

forefathers - 4269 {forefathers}, parents,

further - 1339 {further}, gone,

further - 2089 any, {further}, henceforth, hereafter, longer, more, moreover, still, thenceforth, yet,

further - 4208 {further},

furtherance - 4297 {furtherance}, profiting,

furthermore - 1161 also, even, {furthermore}, howbeit, moreover, nevertheless, now, or, other, partly, so, some, then, truly, wherefore, yea, yet,

furthermore - 1534 after, afterward, {furthermore}, then,

furthermore - 3063 besides, finally, {furthermore}, henceforth, moreover, now, remaineth, then,

gather - 0346 {gather}, together,

gather - 1996 {gather}, gathered, gathereth, together,

gather - 4816 {gather}, gathered,together,

gather - 4863 assembled, came, {gather}, gathered, gathereth, gathering, leadeth, together, took,

gather - 5166 {gather},gathered,

gathered - 1996 gather, {gathered}, gathereth, together,

gathered - 3792 company, {gathered},

gathered - 4816 gather, {gathered}, together,

gathered - 4863 assembled, came, gather, {gathered}, gathereth, gathering, leadeth, together, took,

gathered - 4962 {gathered},

gathered - 5166 gather, {gathered},

gathereth - 1996 gather, gathered, {gathereth}, together,

gathereth - 4863 assembled, came, gather, gathered, {gathereth}, gathering, leadeth, together, took,

gathering - 1997 assembling, {gathering}, together,

gathering - 4822 assuredly, compacted, {gathering}, instruct, knit, proving, together,

gathering - 4863 assembled, came, gather, gathered, gathereth, {gathering}, leadeth, together, took,

gatherings - 3048 collection, {gatherings},

grandmother - 3125 {grandmother},

herbs - 1008 {herbs},

herbs - 3001 {herbs},

herd - 0034 {herd},

here - 0848 {here}, himself, nothing, one, own, themselves,

here - 1759 {here}, hither, there,

here - 3918 been, bring, came, come, have, {here}, lacketh, present,

here - 3936 about, before, brought, come, commendeth, give, {here}, present, presented, presently, prove, provide, shew, shewed, stand, standing, stood,

here - 4840 {here}, present,

here - 5602 {here}, hither, place, there, this,

hereafter - 0737 day, even, henceforth, {hereafter}, hitherto, now, present, this,

hereafter - 2089 any, further, henceforth, {hereafter}, longer, more, moreover, still, thenceforth, yet,

hereafter - 3195 about, after, almost, at, begin, come, {hereafter}, intend, intending, meaning, minding, point, ready, should, tarriest, time, will, would, yet,

hereafter - 3370 any, {hereafter}, longer, medes, more, no,

hereafter - 5023 afterward, follow, {hereafter}, same, so, such, these, things, this, those, thus,

hereby - 5124 cause, {hereby}, hereunto, same, selfsame, so, therefore, thereunto, this, thus, wherefore,

hereby - 5129 {hereby}, herein, same, therein, this,

herein - 5129 hereby, {herein}, same, therein, this,

hereof - 3778 fashion, {hereof}, same, such, these, this, which, who,

hereof - 5026 {hereof}, same, thereby, this, those,

heresies - 0139 {heresies}, heresy, sect,

heresy - 0139 heresies, {heresy}, sect,

heretick - 0141 {heretick},

heretofore - 4258 already, {heretofore}, sinned,

hereunto - 5124 cause, hereby, {hereunto}, same, selfsame, so, therefore, thereunto, this, thus, wherefore,

heritage - 2819 {heritage}, inheritance, lot, lots, part,

hermogenes - 2061 {hermogenes},

herod - 2264 {herod},

herodians - 2265 {herodians},

herodias - 2266 {herodias},

herself - 0844 accord, {herself},

herself - 0846 beside, cause, having, {herself}, himself, itself, jesus, one, ourselves, own, said, same, self, selfsame, selves, theirs, themselves, there, thereat, thereby, therein, thereof, thereon, therewith, these, things, this, those, thyself, together,

herself - 1438 another, {herself}, himself, home, itself, one, ourselves, own, selves, themselves, thine, thyself, troubled, your, yourselves,

higher - 5308 high, {higher},

hither - 1204 come, {hither}, hitherto,

hither - 1759 here, {hither}, there,

hither - 3333 call, called, {hither},

hither - 5602 here, {hither}, place, there, this,

hitherto - 0737 day, even, henceforth, hereafter, {hitherto}, now, present, this,

hitherto - 1204 come, hither, {hitherto},

hitherto - 3768 {hitherto}, no, yet,

inherit - 2816 heir, heirs, {inherit}, inherited, obtained,

inheritance - 2817 {inheritance},

inheritance - 2819 heritage, {inheritance}, lot, lots, part,

inheritance - 2820 {inheritance}, obtained,

inherited - 2816 heir, heirs, inherit, {inherited}, obtained,

leathern - 1193 {leathern}, skin,

mother - 0282 {mother}, without,

mother - 3384 {mother}, mothers,

mother - 3994 law, {mother}, wife,

mothers - 3384 mother, {mothers},

mothers - 3389 {mothers}, murderers,

neither - 2228 before, either, except, {neither}, nor, or, rather, save, than, what, yea,

neither - 3361 cannot, forbear, lest, means, {neither}, never, no, none, nor, one, or, without,

neither - 3366 much, {neither}, nor, once, so,

neither - 3383 much, {neither}, nor, or, so,

neither - 3756 cannot, nay, {neither}, never, no, none, nor, nothing, when,

neither - 3761 even, more, much, {neither}, no, nor, same, so, then,

neither - 3762 all, any, at, man, {neither}, no, none, nothing, nought, ought,

neither - 3777 {neither}, no, none, nor, nothing,

neither - 3861 {neither},

other - 0237 {other},

other - 0240 another, each, mutual, one, {other}, themselves, together, yourselves,

other - 0243 another, more, one, {other}, others, otherwise, some,

other - 0244 busybody, {other},

other - 0245 aliens, another, man, {other}, others, strange, stranger, strangers,

other - 1161 also, even, furthermore, howbeit, moreover, nevertheless, now, or, {other}, partly, so, some, then, truly, wherefore, yea, yet,

other - 1520 another, any, certain, every, man, never, one, only, {other}, particular, several, some, thing, whether,

other - 1565 {other}, same, selfsame, theirs, this, those, very,

other - 1622 excepted, {other}, unless, without,

other - 2084 {other}, tongues,

other - 2085 {other}, otherwise, teach,

other - 2087 another, else, next, one, {other}, others, strange,

other - 2548 also, even, {other},

other - 3062 {other}, others, remain, remnant, residue, rest,

other - 3739 another, because, one, {other}, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

other - 4008 beyond, farther, {other}, over, side,

others - 0243 another, more, one, other, {others}, otherwise, some,

others - 0245 aliens, another, man, other, {others}, strange, stranger, strangers,

others - 2087 another, else, next, one, other, {others}, strange,

others - 3062 other, {others}, remain, remnant, residue, rest,

others - 3588 another, any, much, {others}, some, such, then, these, thine, this, those, what, whatsoever, when, whereby, which, while, who, whose, whoso, whosoever, your,

others - 3739 another, because, one, other, {others}, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

otherwise - 0243 another, more, one, other, others, {otherwise}, some,

otherwise - 0247 {otherwise},

otherwise - 1490 else, if, {otherwise},

otherwise - 1893 because, else, forasmuch, {otherwise}, seeing, since,

otherwise - 2085 other, {otherwise}, teach,

otherwise - 2088 {otherwise},

philosophers - 5386 {philosophers},

pitcher - 2765 {pitcher},

preacher - 2783 {preacher},

rather - 2228 before, either, except, neither, nor, or, {rather}, save, than, what, yea,

rather - 2309 desire, desiring, desirous, disposed, forward, listed, listeth, love, pleased, {rather}, voluntary, will, willing, willingly, wilt, would, wouldest,

rather - 3123 better, far, great, more, much, {rather},

rather - 4056 abundant, abundantly, earnest, exceedingly, frequent, more, much, {rather},

shepherd - 0750 chief, {shepherd},

shepherd - 4166 pastors, {shepherd},

teacher - 1320 master, masters, {teacher}, teachers,

teachers - 1320 master, masters, teacher, {teachers},

teachers - 2547 afterward, also, {teachers},

teachers - 3567 bridechamber, {teachers},

teachers - 5572 false, {teachers},

there - 0846 beside, cause, having, herself, himself, itself, jesus, one, ourselves, own, said, same, self, selfsame, selves, theirs, themselves, {there}, thereat, thereby, therein, thereof, thereon, therewith, these, things, this, those, thyself, together,

there - 0847 {there},

there - 1563 {there}, thither, yonder,

there - 1564 place, thence, {there},

there - 1566 {there}, those,

there - 1759 here, hither, {there},

there - 1927 strangers, {there},

there - 5602 here, hither, place, {there}, this,

thereat - 0846 beside, cause, having, herself, himself, itself, jesus, one, ourselves, own, said, same, self, selfsame, selves, theirs, themselves, there, {thereat}, thereby, therein, thereof, thereon, therewith, these, things, this, those, thyself, together,

thereby - 0846 beside, cause, having, herself, himself, itself, jesus, one, ourselves, own, said, same, self, selfsame, selves, theirs, themselves, there, thereat, {thereby}, therein, thereof, thereon, therewith, these, things, this, those, thyself, together,

thereby - 5026 hereof, same, {thereby}, this, those,

therefore - 0235 howbeit, indeed, nay, nevertheless, notwithstanding, save, {therefore}, yea, yet,

therefore - 0686 else, haply, manner, perhaps, so, then, {therefore}, what, wherefore,

therefore - 1063 because, doubt, even, indeed, no, seeing, then, {therefore}, verily, what, why, yet,

therefore - 1160 now, {therefore},

therefore - 1211 also, doubtless, {therefore},

therefore - 1352 cause, {therefore}, wherefore, which,

therefore - 1360 because, {therefore},

therefore - 2532 also, both, either, else, even, indeed, like, likewise, moreover, nor, now, or, provide, same, so, then, {therefore}, thus, verily, very, well, who, yea, yet,

therefore - 3767 now, so, then, {therefore}, verily, wherefore,

therefore - 5105 {therefore}, wherefore,

therefore - 5106 then, {therefore},

therefore - 5124 cause, hereby, hereunto, same, selfsame, so, {therefore}, thereunto, this, thus, wherefore,

therefore - 5620 insomuch, so, {therefore}, wherefore,

therein - 0846 beside, cause, having, herself, himself, itself, jesus, one, ourselves, own, said, same, self, selfsame, selves, theirs, themselves, there, thereat, thereby, {therein}, thereof, thereon, therewith, these, things, this, those, thyself, together,

therein - 3639 destruction, {therein},

therein - 5125 such, {therein}, therewith, these, those,

therein - 5129 hereby, herein, same, {therein}, this,

thereof - 0846 beside, cause, having, herself, himself, itself, jesus, one, ourselves, own, said, same, self, selfsame, selves, theirs, themselves, there, thereat, thereby, therein, {thereof}, thereon, therewith, these, things, this, those, thyself, together,

thereon - 0846 beside, cause, having, herself, himself, itself, jesus, one, ourselves, own, said, same, self, selfsame, selves, theirs, themselves, there, thereat, thereby, therein, thereof, {thereon}, therewith, these, things, this, those, thyself, together,

thereon - 1911 beat, cast, forth, laid, on, putteth, stretched, {thereon}, thought,

thereon - 1924 inscription, over, {thereon}, write, written,

thereon - 1945 imposed, laid, lay, on, {thereon},

thereon - 2026 build, buildeth, building, built, {thereon}, thereupon,

thereto - 1928 addeth, {thereto},

thereunto - 4334 came, come, comers, cometh, coming, consent, draw, drew, go, goeth, near, {thereunto}, went,

thereunto - 5124 cause, hereby, hereunto, same, selfsame, so, therefore, {thereunto}, this, thus, wherefore,

thereupon - 2026 build, buildeth, building, built, thereon, {thereupon},

therewith - 0846 beside, cause, having, herself, himself, itself, jesus, one, ourselves, own, said, same, self, selfsame, selves, theirs, themselves, there, thereat, thereby, therein, thereof, thereon, {therewith}, these, things, this, those, thyself, together,

therewith - 5125 such, therein, {therewith}, these, those,

thither - 1563 there, {thither}, yonder,

thither - 1904 came, come, {thither},

thither - 3854 came, come, cometh, coming, present, {thither}, went,

thither - 4370 came, ran, running, {thither},

thither - 5399 afraid, fear, feared, feareth, fearing, reverence, {thither},

together - 0240 another, each, mutual, one, other, themselves, {together}, yourselves,

together - 0260 also, {together}, withal,

together - 0346 gather, {together},

together - 0846 beside, cause, having, herself, himself, itself, jesus, one, ourselves, own, said, same, self, selfsame, selves, theirs, themselves, there, thereat, thereby, therein, thereof, thereon, therewith, these, things, this, those, thyself, {together},

together - 0864 {together},

together - 1794 {together}, wrapped,

together - 1996 gather, gathered, gathereth, {together},

together - 1997 assembling, gathering, {together},

together - 1998 came, running, {together},

together - 2086 {together}, unequally, yoked,

together - 2675 framed, joined, make, mending, perfect, perfected, perfectly, prepared, restore, {together},

together - 3674 {together},

together - 4776 made, sit, {together},

together - 4779 call, called, {together},

together - 4786 mixed, tempered, {together},

together - 4789 fellowheirs, heirs, {together},

together - 4801 joined, {together},

together - 4802 disputed, disputing, question, questioned, questioning, reasoning, {together},

together - 4806 quickened, {together},

together - 4811 {together},

together - 4816 gather, gathered, {together},

together - 4822 assuredly, compacted, gathering, instruct, knit, proving, {together},

together - 4831 followers, {together},

together - 4837 comforted, {together},

together - 4851 better, brought, expedient, good, profit, profitable, {together},

together - 4853 countrymen, {together},

together - 4856 agree, agreed, {together},

together - 4863 assembled, came, gather, gathered, gathereth, gathering, leadeth, {together}, took,

together - 4866 laboured, striving, {together},

together - 4867 called, {together},

together - 4873 at, sat, {together},

together - 4883 fitly, framed, joined, {together},

together - 4886 bands, bond, {together},

together - 4890 ran, {together},

together - 4891 raised, risen, {together},

together - 4897 {together}, went,

together - 4899 elected, {together},

together - 4903 helpeth, {together}, workers, working, wrought,

together - 4904 companion, fellowhelper, fellowhelpers, fellowlabourer, fellowlabourers, fellowworkers, helpers, labour, labourers, {together},

together - 4905 accompanied, assembled, came, come, cometh, companied, go, resort, resorted, {together}, went,

together - 4911 rose, {together},

together - 4925 builded, {together},

together - 4943 helping, {together},

together - 4966 sychem, {together},

weather - 2105 fair, {weather},

weather - 5494 foul, tempest, {weather}, winter,

where - 0296 met, two, ways, {where},

where - 1330 about, come, departed, every, go, going, gone, over, pass, passed, passing, past, through, throughout, travelled, walketh, went, {where},

where - 1337 seas, two, {where},

where - 3606 thence, whence, {where}, whereby, wherefore, whereupon,

where - 3699 place, what, {where}, whereas, whither,

where - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, {where}, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

where - 3757 till, {where}, whereby, wherein,

where - 3837 all, every, places, {where},

where - 3956 all, always, any, every, man, no, throughly, whatsoever, {where}, whole,

where - 4226 {where}, whither,

where - 5101 how, what, {where}, wherefore, whereof, whereunto, wherewith, wherewithal, whether, which, who, whom, whose, why,

where - 5117 coasts, licence, place, places, quarters, rocks, room, {where},

whereas - 3699 place, what, where, {whereas}, whither,

whereas - 3748 same, such, what, {whereas}, which, who, whosoever,

whereas - 3759 {whereas}, woe,woes,

whereby - 3588 another, any, much, others, some, such, then, these, thine, this, those, what, whatsoever, when, {whereby}, which, while, who, whose, whoso, whosoever, your,

whereby - 3606 thence, whence, where, {whereby}, wherefore, whereupon,

whereby - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, {whereby}, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

whereby - 3757 till, where, {whereby}, wherein,

whereby - 4314 about, according, against, among, at, because, before, between, concerning, nigh, toward, {whereby}, within,

wherefore - 0686 else, haply, manner, perhaps, so, then, therefore, what, {wherefore},

wherefore - 1065 doubtless, more, {wherefore},

wherefore - 1161 also, even, furthermore, howbeit, moreover, nevertheless, now, or, other, partly, so, some, then, truly, {wherefore}, yea, yet,

wherefore - 1302 {wherefore}, why,

wherefore - 1352 cause, therefore, {wherefore}, which,

wherefore - 1355 {wherefore},

wherefore - 1752 cause, causes, reason, sake, {wherefore},

wherefore - 3606 thence, whence, where, whereby, {wherefore}, whereupon,

wherefore - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, {wherefore}, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

wherefore - 3767 now, so, then, therefore, verily, {wherefore},

wherefore - 5101 how, what, where, {wherefore}, whereof, whereunto, wherewith, wherewithal, whether, which, who, whom, whose, why,

wherefore - 5105 therefore, {wherefore},

wherefore - 5124 cause, hereby, hereunto, same, selfsame, so, therefore, thereunto, this, thus, {wherefore},

wherefore - 5620 insomuch, so, therefore, {wherefore},

wherein - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, {wherein}, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

wherein - 3757 till, where, whereby, {wherein},

whereinsoever - 0302 soever, whatsoever, {whereinsoever}, wheresoever, which, whithersoever, whomsoever, whoso, whosoever,

whereinto - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, {whereinto}, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

whereof - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, {whereof}, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

whereof - 5101 how, what, where, wherefore, {whereof}, whereunto, wherewith, wherewithal, whether, which, who, whom, whose, why,

whereon - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, {whereon}, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

wheresoever - 0302 soever, whatsoever, whereinsoever, {wheresoever}, which, whithersoever, whomsoever, whoso, whosoever,

wheresoever - 1437 if, so, soever, though, whatsoever, when, {wheresoever}, whithersoever, whomsoever, whosoever,

whereto - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, {whereto}, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

whereunto - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, {whereunto}, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

whereunto - 5101 how, what, where, wherefore, whereof, {whereunto}, wherewith, wherewithal, whether, which, who, whom, whose, why,

whereupon - 3606 thence, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, {whereupon},

whereupon - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, {whereupon}, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

wherewith - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, {wherewith}, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

wherewith - 3745 all, ever, great, how, inasmuch, many, more, much, those, what, whatsoever, {wherewith}, which, who,

wherewith - 5101 how, what, where, wherefore, whereof, whereunto, {wherewith}, wherewithal, whether, which, who, whom, whose, why,

wherewithal - 5101 how, what, where, wherefore, whereof, whereunto, wherewith, {wherewithal}, whether, which, who, whom, whose, why,

whether - 1487 although, forasmuch, if, no, though, {whether},

whether - 1520 another, any, certain, every, man, never, one, only, other, particular, several, some, thing, {whether},

whether - 1535 entereth, if, or, {whether},

whether - 4220 {whether},

whether - 5037 also, both, even, so, then, {whether},

whether - 5101 how, what, where, wherefore, whereof, whereunto, wherewith, wherewithal, {whether}, which, who, whom, whose, why,

whither - 3699 place, what, where, whereas, {whither},

whither - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, {whither}, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

whither - 4226 where, {whither},

whither - 4266 past, {whither},

whithersoever - 0302 soever, whatsoever, whereinsoever, wheresoever, which, {whithersoever}, whomsoever, whoso, whosoever,

whithersoever - 1437 if, so, soever, though, whatsoever, when, wheresoever, {whithersoever}, whomsoever, whosoever,

withered - 3583 dried, pineth, ripe, {withered}, withereth,

withered - 3584 dry, land, {withered},

withereth - 3583 dried, pineth, ripe, withered, {withereth},

withereth - 5352 fruit, {withereth},