
Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

~ ~ Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

4802 + question + together + disputing + to enquire + to question + questioning + and disputed + them reasoning + that they questioned + together and reasoned +/ . suzeteo {sood-zay-teh'-o}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 2212 + go + seek + goeth + about + I seek + sought + seeketh + ye seek + seekest + Ye seek + to seek + seeking + men seek + And seek + and seek + required + ye about + But seek + desiring + do I seek + and going + they seek + he sought + him sought + you ; seek + were about + And I seek + and sought + gifts seek + shall seek + and seeketh + and enquire + they sought + but ye seek + let him seek + that ye seek + them seeking + it and sought + And he sought + Ye shall seek + while we seek + and they seek + we endeavoured + it is required + And they sought + and they sought + have been sought + And as they went + with him seeking + unto you Ye seek + and I have sought + to you for I seek + things not seeking + unto you will seek + for him and seeking + and he that seeketh + but he that seeketh + of them that sought + is it that ye sought + But when they sought + things And he desired + That they should seek + unto them Do ye enquire + itself unseemly seeketh + with you . Ye shall seek + my way and ye shall seek + there is one that seeketh +/ ; to investigate jointly, i .e . discuss, controvert, cavil: --dispute (with), enquire, question (with), reason (together) .

4803 + reasoning + disputing + and disputation +/ . suzetesis {sood-zay'-tay-sis}; from 4802 + question + together + disputing + to enquire + to question + questioning + and disputed + them reasoning + that they questioned + together and reasoned +/ ; mutual questioning, i .e . discussion: --disputation(-ting), reasoning .

4804 + is the disputer +/ . suzetetes {sood-zay-tay-tace'}; from 4802 + question + together + disputing + to enquire + to question + questioning + and disputed + them reasoning + that they questioned + together and reasoned +/ ; a disputant, i .e . sophist: --disputer .