
Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

~ ~ Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

0865 + despisers + of those that are good +/ . aphilagathos {af-il-ag'-ath-os}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a negative particle) and 5358 + of good + a lover +/ ; hostile to virtue: --despiser of those that are good .

1672 + Greek + Greeks + a Greek + Gentiles + the Greeks + and Greeks + was a Greek + to the Greek + the Gentiles + and Gentiles + of the Greeks + and the Greek + to the Greeks + and the Greeks + to the Gentile + of the Gentile + to the Gentiles + among the Gentiles + and unto the Greeks +/ . Hellen {hel'-lane}; from 1671 + Greece +/ ; a Hellen (Grecian) or inhabitant of Hellas; by extension a Greek-speaking person, especially a non-Jew: --Gentile, Greek .

1673 + of Greek + but in the Greek + but in the Greek +/ . Hellenikos {hel-lay-nee-kos'}; from 1672 + Greek + Greeks + a Greek + Gentiles + the Greeks + and Greeks + was a Greek + to the Greek + the Gentiles + and Gentiles + of the Greeks + and the Greek + to the Greeks + and the Greeks + to the Gentile + of the Gentile + to the Gentiles + among the Gentiles + and unto the Greeks +/ ; Hellenic, i .e . Grecian (in language): --Greek .

1674 + was a Greek + were Greeks +/ . Hellenis {hel-lay-nis'}; feminine of 1672 + Greek + Greeks + a Greek + Gentiles + the Greeks + and Greeks + was a Greek + to the Greek + the Gentiles + and Gentiles + of the Greeks + and the Greek + to the Greeks + and the Greeks + to the Gentile + of the Gentile + to the Gentiles + among the Gentiles + and unto the Greeks +/ ; a Grecian (i .e . non-Jewish) woman: --Greek .

1675 + the Grecians + of the Grecians + unto the Grecians +/ . Hellenistes {hel-lay-nis-tace'}; from a derivative of 1672 + Greek + Greeks + a Greek + Gentiles + the Greeks + and Greeks + was a Greek + to the Greek + the Gentiles + and Gentiles + of the Greeks + and the Greek + to the Greeks + and the Greeks + to the Gentile + of the Gentile + to the Gentiles + among the Gentiles + and unto the Greeks +/ ; a Hellenist or Greek-speaking Jew: --Grecian .

2007 + on + Lay + laid + it on + I lay + and on + to put + and lay + that on + and put + And set + and laid + had laid + they put + they laid + shall add + shall set + him to put + they laded + and putting + And he laid + but setteth + that he put + that he laid + it he layeth + him they laid + man shall add + in and putting + and to us to lay + unto them He put + and not to be set + that he should put + them ; they shall lay + And when they had laid + them unto him ; and he laid + him of his raiment and wounded +/ . epitithemi {ep-ee-tith'-ay-mee}; from 1909 + at + on + into + over + over + above + be on + ye at + Above + under + being + among + us on + up on + it on + about + after + are at + behalf + not on + before + are on + beside + was at + toward + and at + him on + old on + but on + And on + and on + They on + that on + down at + down on + them on + foot on + thee on + even at + against + as long + is over + because + up into + through + and over + are over + the time + him over + is above + touching + us and on + the space + And above + for under + for under + is against + but toward + but before + up against + And beside + to believe + he were on + throughout + them as on + to pass on + in the days + in the time + And through + as touching + by the space + unto thee on + of it and on + things before + I made before + for the space + out as against + was throughout + unto them over + and not before + out as against + that was about + had the charge + and that before + divided against + that were under + and he anointed + me is with me on + not on things on + in and out among + And when he was at + Let him which is on + to pass in the days + that were with him at + And let him that is on +/ and 5087 + set + lay + put + laid + sink + I lay + aside + forth + giveth + I make + Settle + to lay + ye put + he laid + and put + putting + putteth + be made + man put + hath put + doth set + And laid + was laid + and laid + purposed + hath set + them laid + and I lay + to be put + which put + they laid + hath made + I will put + I may make + I will lay + and he set + him he put + I have laid + him and put + he hath put + he was laid + and appoint + I have made + part advised + that is laid + have ye laid + I am ordained + one of you lay + up that I laid + thou hast laid + they have laid + I am appointed + on them and put + he hath appointed + him in and to lay + him Wilt thou lay + hath not appointed + after he hath laid + they were appointed + hast thou conceived + upon him and bowing + it from me but I lay + us saying I have set + up that thou layedst + unto them ; and hath committed + him in sunder and will appoint +/ ; to impose (in a friendly or hostile sense): --add unto, lade, lay upon, put (up) on, set on (up), + surname, X wound .

2592 + fruit + forth + beareth + to bring + bringeth + forth fruit + and bringeth + it and bring + being fruitful + that we should bring +/ . karpophoreo {kar-pof-or-eh'-o}; from 2593 + and fruitful +/ ; to be fertile (literally or figuratively): --be (bear, bring forth) fruit(-ful) .